The 805 W. Cary house is evicted in June, after the landlord erects a fence directly behind the house, and someone spraypaints “SLUMLORD” on it in huge letters. There is a giant house-trashing party, played by Flesh Eating Creeps, Kojak, and PCP Roadblock.
The band embarks on their longest tour, playing fourteen shows up and down the east coast and as far west as Indiana over the month of July. Highlights of the tour include playing the Legion of Doom house in Columbus, OH; swimming in a quarry in Bloomington, IN; being attacked with beer bottles during a night walk in Asheville, NC; playing the Pink House in Asheville with Astrid Oto and White Collar Crime; recording an 11-song set with Steve Roche at WNYU; playing a fest in Western Massachusetts with Devola, Saetia, I Robot, Atom and His Package, and Reversal of Man, and having someone in the audience dub bearded Steve “Jesus Crust.”
Upon returning to Richmond, Chris and Steve move into 1620 Floyd Ave., Ryan moves into 1231 W. Cary St. and has a lot of shows in his garage, and Brendan moves into 1007 Park Ave. and the band practices in his basement.